Hello there – welcome to this blog

Don’t let destiny slip away. Make it happen”


Hello and thanks for having dropped in over the past few years.

ANNOUNCEMENT: For anyone who lands here, please note, I have completed the transition to my new website.

THE NAME: http://www.mollerbooks.com

REASON: Whilst this site which you are currently visiting was one on which to have fun and “cut my teeth on”, mollerbooks.com will focus on my more recent foray into being an author of both fiction and non-fiction.

My non-fiction books have been available on Amazon for years.

Peter Carter Series: I have written 4 of the 6 books which have been published on Amazon, Apple Books, Kobo and other sites.

Aron Tusk Series: I have started on a new series: Aron Tusk. The first book SKULL has been published on Amazon, Apple Books, Kobo and other sites.

FREE BOOKS: The first in the series THE ESCAPE will be permanently free on Amazon and the other sites. So is my prequel to my Aron Tusk series – CARD. Freely available once you join my reader list. To join my Reader List, download THE ESCAPE, go to the back of the book and click in the link.

Please visit my Author Page on amazon.com/author/krismoller

Thank you again for having dropped in.


9 thoughts on “Hello there – welcome to this blog

  1. Regarding step 6: I keep my schedule for tasks to do with me, all day and every day. That helps not to forget and gives me the satisfaction of marking off those tasks completed! Thanks, the book “Over 65 and still in Demand” is very inspiring!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Gilly, Thank you for your comment. Yes re-tire can lead to a “spare tire around the waist” (boepens being the Afrikaans equivalent) if one sits around doing nothing physical “in retirement”. Lucky for me, we are renting a house whilst waiting for ours to be built, and with the front and back garden having been in bad shape, I take great delight in restoring it (and the veggie patch) – watering, mowing, trimming the edges (on my knees). It is great physical exercise with understandably other benefits – least of all having fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and flowers – and it is a pleasure watching the birds do their bit of gardening as well. Final result: spare tire receding, muscles aching in the right places, sleeping well at night – and meeting “across the street neighbours”.


    • Thank you Maans. Much appreciated and delighted to have a (light-hearted) comment! Lets further explore the idea that the word “tirement” does not exist in the English dictionary, hence what sense does the word “re-tirement” make. The Japanese word “ikigai” makes much more intellectual and practical – not to mention profoundly spiritual – sense, since broadly translated it means “the reasons for which I get up in the the morning. My reason for ‘being'”. I subscribe to this meaning much more than to the English word that includes four-fifths of the word “tired” – and suggest that we adopt the word “ikigai” in the West. If there are any Japanese speakers out there, please also share your thoughts… And thank you again Maans!


      • Choose the correct “TYRES”……….the negative ones will bring you down! The positives ones WILL “reverse” your years………and enable you to go into overdrive!………now that you do not have to work……but LIVE!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Maans, Thank you for your comment. Yes negativity will “bring one down”, whilst living positively may not be able to reverse chronological age, but will definitely “reverse your other ages” including physical, mental and spiritual. One should LIVE, whether working or not.


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